About Us

Birthed from an over-enthusiastic Aunty/姨姨 of two in sunny Singapore, Of Things Wonderful is a curation of products for your lil' wonders. The inspiration behind the label stemmed from constantly over-spending on individual purchases & exorbitant overseas shipping charges for my nephew.
While Of Things Wonderful is my brainchild, my family & friends have also been an integral part in setting this label up, from consumer research to product testing (especially with special help from the cutest lil' nephew ever) to offering delivery & storage services. It really does take a village.
Our products are split into four collections: Eat, Play, Read & Wear - each of which is a fundamental building block in a child's life. We believe in allowing your child to receive the best quality products to have the best possible start in life. Let us support you on your parenthood journey!
Keeping things wonderful ✨
Of Things Wonderful Founder, E